Root Brother's Farm
Root Brothers History
Farming in America since 1637

Root Family Coat of ArmsThe Root family came to America in 1637 from England, settling in Hartford Connecticut. In 1652, they moved to Northampton Massachusetts.

The Root brothers of today are descendents of Thomas Root. The Root family moved to the town of Yates, in Orleans County, in the 1840's. Shortly after, they moved to Millville and ran a store on the corner of Maple Ridge Rd. and East Shelby Rd.  

Original Root FarmOrephus A. Root (Married Mary Sawyer of Albion 1843): Orpheus bought the "Home Farm" in 1852 from James Johnson. He paid $5,500 for the 129 acre farm including house and barns. He later moved to Albion to retire.

Dan Root: Dan farmed "Home Farm" from 1875 to 1908, then later moved to Medina when he retired. He was married to Sarah Gregory, daughter of Arnold Gregory, local farmer and founder of the Arnold Gregory Hospital in Albion.
Barns at 'Home Farm' in 1964

Arnold Root: Arnold farmed "Home Farm" from 1903 until his death in 1949. He was married to Ellen Curtis, and farmed with his sons Norman and Pierson.

Pierson Root: Pierson farmed "Home Farm" from 1942 to 1949, then farmed with Norman until 1960 as the first "Root Brothers." In 1960, Norman and Pierson split and farmed independently as they both Barns at 'Home Farm' todayhad enough sons to work on the farm by then. Pierson continued to farm until his retirement in 1988. He leased open land to sons Rob & Scott, while son Dale rented the fruit orchard. Pierson continued to help all of his sons until his death in 1996.

Robin & Scott Root: Rob & Scott began farming as the new "Root Brothers" in 1970. They began purchasing surrounding land to work, but also worked on other local farms to stay busy. In 1974, they purchased the 180 acre estate from Ora Lee, for $75,000. Root Brothers Rob and Scott now owned enough land and trucks to sustain their families without working off of their own farm.